#NS10 My Favorite N&S fanfiction

Meek Margaret

Romantic tension between would-be lovers. Thornton with his book. He loves to read, too!


After watching North & South for the very first time, I was desperate to talk about the story with others because I simply couldn’t stop thinking about it. I found C19 within a few days. It saved me from certain lunacy (or did it?). What a relief to know that I wasn’t the only one suffering from the effects of watching a Victorian cotton mill owner smolder for nearly four hours. Finally I could discuss and ask questions … but that was not all. There were stories there! Other people, whom the gods had allowed to find N&S years before me, had written stories about John and Margaret.

I had discovered fan fiction! Cue the music from on high.

I spent hours upon hours immersing myself in Milton again through the creative talents of many fellow fans. I devoured all the stories set in the Victorian Era and then, still hungry for more, tried those that transferred the romance to a modern setting.

Eventually, I turned to writing my own stories. It’s the most effective way of getting the story fleshed out in exactly the way you see it playing in your head.

But what if you’re not inclined to write your own N&S story? There are plenty of tales to get lost in, written by those who couldn’t leave the images of Margaret and John swirling in their heads until they had attempted to transcribe it for others to enjoy.

Here are some of my favorites, heavily influenced by my long-term love for and connection to the C19 forum:

Traditional continuation stories

Pack Clouds Away My all-time favorite continuation from the book. So Gaskellesque: tender and passionate all at once.

True North Wonderful continuation from the mini-series written with historical detail and a little spice.

Mistress of Marlborough  Unfinished, but a favorite at C19. They go to Cadiz to visit Fred!

Variations stories / What-ifs

Fate & Circumstance  Unfinished, but so worth it anyway! The prose is incredible. I’m left with my jaw hanging every time. And the sexual tension is staggering. A must-read, but be prepared for a grinding halt to the story.

How Far the World Will Bend (also available at Amazon) Creative time-travel with spine-tingling romantic tension. I’ve reviewed it on another post here.

Under Compulsion Margaret is pressured to marry Thornton to save her reputation after the riot. Margaret warms to John as his wife.

Bring the Heart to Earth The premise is tough to take, but the reconciliation involved is a slow-burn delight.

Modern setting

Past and Present There’s a magnetic attraction between Milton hotel owner John Thornton and the girl who’s just moved into town. Intense! I love this author’s writing.

East and West Sweet story based on N&S although the names are changed. ‘Margaret’ is a California liberal who moves to NYC where she meets the conservative financial executive ‘John Thornton.’

Come Back to Me  Maggie and Jon endure a tumultuous relationship that includes crossing social classes.

Alternate Universe

Deep Blue Sea  Fantastic Regency world story based on N&S. The names have been changed, but ‘John Thornton’ is a sea captain! A creative and spicy spin on the story.

For Laughs

North and Spoof  This is a hilarious spoof that throws a little Thorin in with the stolid Mr Thornton. It takes a special skill and a little inherent wackiness to create a brilliant parody. The author talks about her craft and inspiration on another post here.

North and South for Dummies Who doesn’t need a good laugh now and then? A zany look at a few of the episodes in N&S.


You’re welcome to tell us your favorites!




36 responses to “#NS10 My Favorite N&S fanfiction

  1. There’s a fair amount of fanfic in all of these categories by various authors on Dreamer Fiction. If you’re a member, have a look at the fiction by Character list for John Thornton, which lists stories by author with ratings from G to NC17., You may be pleasantly surprised.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks, Leigh, for mentioning Dreamerfiction. I haven’t looked there in a while. My top five favorite fics still remain stories first sourced at C19. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Saraleee and commented:
    Lovely romantic stories to keep you warm at night…

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Trudy, you should fix the links. Most of them have an extra http or http and com,, others lack the colon in the URL,so they always direct you to an error page..

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Links fixed. Thanks, Lillianschild!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thanks for this Trudy! I’ve read lots of Austen-inspired fanfic, but not much N&S so it’s fantastic to get some recommendations. It’s a shame a few of these are unfinished if they’re good.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It takes real commitment and extended devotion to actually finish a story. There are scores of unfinished fanfics, unfortunately. The two I’ve listed haven’t been added to in a few years, but there is still hope the author of both of these may someday continue. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you for this list, Trudy! Without a doubt, for me, Pack Clouds Away is at the top of the list. I wonder if the author knows how much we like her work!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve tried to contact the author, to no avail. “Pack Clouds Away” is a masterpiece. I wish Lucy knew how much her sequel is adored. Of all the N&S fanfiction out there (including mine!), this is the one that should be published and read as a sequel to Gaskell’s book. It’s a shame it’s not available to purchase alongside the original.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I know this posts are very, very old, but is there anyone who can provide me with a copy of Pack clouds away? the C19 forum is not longer available. Thanks!


      • Hello Dory, the author is the only one that could share her work with you since it’s no longer published on any site or as an ebook. I would encourage you to try to contact the author and let her know you’d love to see her publish her N&S sequel. She really should. There’s such a demand for it! She has published a P&P sequel and a few other novels as Eleanor Wilton. Her is her website: https://eleanorwilton.com

        Liked by 1 person

  8. You’re absolutely right, Trudy! I copied it on to a word file and keep it on my desktop to have it accessible whenever I want. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I didn’t know most of these — because I’m not a C19 aficionado — so thanks for bringing them to our attention! I think my favorite N&S fic that hasn’t been turned into an e-book is … you know the one. It was on livejournal and dreamwidth, it was a sort of sexual awakening fic — she stopped writing it right after she finally got them to consummate their marriage in an extremely intense chapter. And then at some point she posted that she wished people would stop asking her to finish it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Ah yes. “Sick of Shadows” was the title. Margaret was rather too repressed for me, but I know lots of people loved this one. At least the author gave her readers the fireworks they were waiting for before giving up the story! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Oh yes, totally out of place. But it’s a story, after all. The needs of the readers were met. And the author gave a disclaimer about it, as I recall.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You’ve mentioned several of my favourites in this post, Trudy

    Here are a few more I never get tired of re-reading.

    Your two North & South novels, A Heart for Milton & In Consequence, of course..

    “A Soft Light Rising” by asteristar; Having married to save Margaret’s reputation after the Outwood inquest was forestalled, Margaret and John grow back together.)

    Fia-blue’s “Touch”: Margaret’s sexual awakening based on the premise that Miss Hale and Mr Thornton were forced to marry as a consequence of their actions during the riot. So emotions are still running high here and they are both having to make some big adjustments to their life

    http://archiveofourown.org/works/609125/chapters/1097618 (There was a first version on ffnet, which the author deleted, and whose last chapter she retouched in the new one..)

    Chrissie Elmore’s “Unmapped Country”: It begins with Margaret’s return to Milton and her meeting with Mrs Thronton at the empty Mill. John and Margaret’s struggles continue. Will they ever truly understand one another? Or will their opposing ethics and social prejudice force them to seek companionship with more appropriate partners?

    Catherine Winchester’s “Northern Light”:a sequel to the novel.
    John and Margaret embarking on their lives together whilst working to improve the lives of their work force.. Married life will present unique challenges and despite the reforms they are making, even they will not escape Milton’s troubles unscathed.

    A/U: Longhairedtoad’s “Once Upon a Time” A lovely time-travelling novel.-

    John Thornton spends all his waking hours working in the family business. In his leisure time, he hunts for antique books. When one literally falls on him, he is shocked to find the ancient looking text is written about him.
    Margaret Hale has no time for love. Having started a bakery with her best friend Tara, she needs to concentrate fully on that venture for now. But at her cousin’s wedding reception, a stranger approaches and explains he is the man she will marry in three months time.

    “Who’s afraid of Mr Wolfe?” by Hazel Osmond
    Ellie Somerset loves her career-obsessed boyfriend Sam and she loves her job as an advertising copywriter. But Sam is always at work and her fresh ideas keep being overlooked.
    Her life gets more complicated when new boss Jack Wolfe – Heathcliff in Jeans – arrives at the agency. With his brooding good looks, trademark scowl and plans for change, he challenges Ellie to smarten up and prove herself.
    To Ellie’s horror, she finds herself both repelled and attracted to the sexy and dangerous Jack. But this particular wolf has an awful lot to hide…

    khandy’s “A nightingale Sung” (Set in WWII)

    siouxiesioux’s “Bluebirds”: set in World War Ii. Margarer takes a job as a school teacher &.John becomes a Royal Airforce pilot when Marlborough Mills is handed over to the Ministry of Defence

    longhairedtoad’s “Tomorrow”: John Thornton and Margaret Hale are happily in love and going to get married. But an accident leaves John with partial memory loss and what he has forgotten is his life and love for his bride to be. Margaret’s whole world seems to come crashing down around

    longhairedtoad also wrote a wonderful supernatural story called “Over my Shoulder”. It was originally posted on the dreamerfiction boards and has recently been pulled down by its author along with the rest of her work. I presume she’s working on it to have it published just as her “Once Upon a Time” was.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks, Lillianschild, for mentioning some of the N&S-based stories you’ve enjoyed. I’m totally ignorant of anything posted on archiveofourown. I don’t search out N&S fanfiction like I used to. And thanks for mentioning my two stories. 🙂
    The Armitage Authors Network may eventually highlight all the works you’ve listed.


    • You’re welcome, Trudy.

      I haven’t read much on A03 for the simple reason that a large portion of its archive is slash,and I’m not into it. However, i really like its search engine and the site’s software. It’s excellent as an archive if you’re a writer, and great for readers who like saving copies of their favourite authors’ works since they can choose in what format to download the fics to re-read them on their computer, Kindle or other electronic devices.

      Both stories I recommended from that site I had oridinally read on fanfiction.net. I provided links to archivefourown instead because the stories can be easily saved and one of them is no longer available on ff.net.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you for all these suggestions Trudy! I’m always looking for more N&S fan fiction to read! I just can get enough of Mr. Thornton and Margaret! Unfortunetely I haven’t found a lot of good fan fiction books 😦 There seems to be a lot of short stories, but not enought books 😦 I’ll keep this page on my favourites to add your suggestions to my must read list 🙂


  15. I don’t know if anyone will see this comment, but I’m happy to report that Mistress of Marlborough is still in progress and I intend to finish it. Thanks for the recommendation. I really appreciate it!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. I’m several years late to this conversation and unfortunately C19 no longer accepts new members. Does anyone know where else I might be able to find some of the recommended stories that were originally posted there? I’ve devoured all the N&S fanfiction I’ve found of AO3, FF.net, and Kindle — would be grateful for any/all pointers to other N&S fanfic treasures!


    • Try Wattpad, also you can join the Armitage Army (Proboards forum). There’s even a few N&S stories at A Happy Assembly, an Austen forum. Better late than never — enjoy your new obsession!


    • You can also try this:

      it’s all Armitage fiction. I believe they are still accepting new registrations. If not, comment here again and I will ask around.


      • Thank you for this! I’ve been getting the “server upgrade underway” message when trying to register, and since that hasn’t appeared to change over the past several weeks, thought I’d follow up with you!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I just tried to login there, too, and got the same message — I’ll see if I can get an update on what’s going on.


      • Thanks so much for looking into this — heading back over in the hopes of finding more #JohnThorntonFF to keep me going 😬

        Liked by 1 person

      • OK, I’m told that’s not just a random error message, but the upgrade is real and happening and the admins are thrilled about it. I’ll let you know when my contact lets me know what’s up — they do not have an ETA at present, but they are still there and working on it.


      • Hi, Lea, good thing you poked me. The site seems to be working correctly now, so you should be able to register!


      • Thank you thank you! Now just waiting to be approved 👌🏼


      • Let me know if you don’t get a response in a week or so. I think they are very much on the ball but hadn’t realized that no one else could see the upgrades.


  17. Hi there! I am so determined to read “Pack Clouds Away” but it’s proving challenging to find! I’ve tried Wattpad, and dreamerfiction.com, all to no avail. Waiting for my account to be approved on the Armitage Army, but I’m doubtful. Any other suggestions?


    • Hello Emarose! Sorry to say that Pack Clouds Away was only ever shared at C19. I’ve tried to encourage the author to publish her story, but she has declines so far. She has published P&P stories as Eleanor Wilton.


    • I feel your pain — I discovered C19 apparently days after it had closed to new applicants. Pack Clouds Away seems to top everyone’s lists and I’m super bummed that there’s no way to access it.


  18. I find myself suddenly relating to a lot of the comments here bemoaning the closure of C19. I remember getting on C19 and having fun browsing in its early days, but I don’t seem to have a registration any more. I just re-read North and South, and so (predictably) I am on a real kick for finding good sequels. Pack Clouds Away seems like the holy grail of N&S fan fiction… I wish there was some way to still access the stories behind the C19 wall.


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